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Refunds and Cancellation

Cancellation/Refund Policy

• You may cancel your monthly subscription at any time. It is the responsibility of the buyer to cancel a subscription.


• Unless notified in writing at of a cancelation request, at least 72 hours prior to the scheduled renewal of your subscription, you give us permission to automatically renew your subscription on a monthly or annual basis (or other specified timing for payment plans) for the selected services and will be charged to the provided payment method at the rate set by PrimeTime Elite Basketball for the selected services.


• If you wish to cancel a subscription plan, email us at with “Cancellation Request” in the subject line of the email, the email and name on your account, and your reason for cancellation.

• Refunds and reimbursements are not guaranteed to be issued by PrimeTime Elite Basketball and associated companies. Partial or full refunds for services NOT YET provided may be issued at the discretion of the Business on a case by case basis. Refunds and reimbursements will not be granted for services that have already been provided, for any reason.

• Online Courses and Subscription fees are non-refundable. Refunds will not be granted for any reason, including (but not limited to) the following: 


 1. You do not access your account, courses, or subscriptions before the expiration of your plan. 

 2. You no longer wish to complete the training or course, for whatever reasons.

 3. You are injured.

 4. Certain content is removed from courses or subscriptions.  

 5. Your account is terminated due to your violation of these Terms of Service or any law


You will continue to have access to content you have paid to access until the expiration of your subscription period unless removed from service access by PrimeTime Elite Basketball for violations of this agreement. 

• Deposits for Services: Deposits made for training date reservations are non-refundable, but will maintain their value for the amount deposited to be applied towards future purchases at the current rates for services.

Please contact us at with any questions.

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